General Expectation and Guidelines
The School Building Level Committee is a general education, data-driven, decision-making committee whose standing members consist of a facilitator, the principal or designee of the school, a classroom teacher, and the referring teacher. The student’s parent or guardian is always an invited participant.
The SBLC shall review and analyze all screening data, including RTI results (specific interventions and progress monitoring), to determine the most beneficial option for the student. The purpose of the SBLC committee is to discuss concerns and to implement or review school-based interventions designed to address the child’s problems/concerns. Referrals for 504 eligibility consideration are made through SBLC, as are referrals to Pupil Appraisal. All requests for evaluation must be processed through the SBLC.
*If you have a concern, please set up a meeting with the administration and SBLC facilitator.
Bookbags, Athletic Bags, and Purses
Book bags, athletic bags, and purses will be allowed in the school. However, all book bags, athletic bags, and purses must be kept in the students' lockers during class time and at recess. No bags or purses will be allowed in the classrooms or on the floor in the halls at any time.
Hall Passes
Students are expected to always have their student planner with them. Their planner is their hall pass. Each 9 weeks, students will be issued 5 hall passes which are in their planner to use when leaving class to go to the restroom, locker, etc. After the 5 passes have been used, a tardy will be issued. A referral will be written after a student has received 3 tardies. If your child has a medical condition which requires excessive restroom use, a doctor’s excuse is required to be kept on file in the front office. Students who have medical excuses will not be penalized for excessive restroom use.
Students are expected to complete homework assignments. Homework assignments are given to provide students with extra practice to reinforce the standards covered in the classroom. Students will write homework assignments in their student planner daily. Students and parents can also check teachers’ homework pages using our school’s website/app.
A well-rounded library program is available at BEBMS. The library is open before school and at noon recess. Students will be able to visit our school library to check out Accelerated Reading library books.
Students will also check out their St. Mary Parish school board assigned laptop from our school library.
Students are expected to take care of the items checked out from the library. If the student does not return the library book on the due date, a fine will begin to accrue.
Hall Lockers/PE lockers
All students will be issued a locker. The lockers are equipped with a built-in combination lock.
Combinations are changed at the end of each school year. Lockers may be searched by school officials at any time.
Students may not write or deface lockers in any manner. Students are not allowed to share a locker/PE locker and should refrain from giving their combination to anyone. Any damages to the locker will be paid for by the student, who will also be subject to appropriate disciplinary action. Lockers are to be used for books and school materials only. At the end of the school year, students are responsible for completely cleaning out their assigned locker/PE locker.
Students will be allowed to use the restroom in the morning before classes begin and again during their lunch break. Students are expected to follow the Wolfpack 10. Students will not be allowed to go to the restroom during instructional time except for emergencies or compliance of documented doctor’s orders. Any student allowed to leave the classroom to go to the restroom must follow established procedures for signing out of and into class.
Students will be issued a St. Mary Parish laptop at the beginning of the school year. There will be a $15.00 technology fee. Students/parents/guardians are responsible for caring for and maintaining the laptop and charger issued. If the laptop or charger is damaged, the student/parent/guardian is responsible for the repair cost. Laptop repair costs are set by the district. If there are further damages, the entire cost of the laptop may be incurred. *Repair costs are subject to change.
Textbooks and calculators
Each student is responsible for his/her textbooks and the use of classroom calculators and their condition. If a textbook or calculator is lost or damaged, the student will be placed on the debt list for the price of the textbook/calculator.
Snacks/Snack sales
Food may not be sold until after lunch period. (Only school-sponsored food items may be sold, and permission must be obtained from administration.) Students may purchase snacks from the snack cart or vending machines when given permission.
Lost and found
Students will properly mark all their belongings so that ownership can be easily established. B. Edward Boudreaux Middle School IS NOT responsible for students' stolen or lost items/books. The lost and found department is located in the front office.
B. Edward Boudreaux Middle School will not be responsible for money lost or stolen.
It is your responsibility to turn in all money to your sponsor when you are participating in fundraisers and/or paying for organization dues.
The staff and administration will be following strict guidelines concerning DEBTS at B. Edward Boudreaux Middle School. If a student is placed on the "Debt List" for any reason, he/she will have to clear their debt. The student will not be allowed to participate in school time activities or "dress down days" until the debt is clear. Any debt over $50.00 will be referred to the District Attorney’s office 10 days after parental notification. Teachers will be given an updated "Debt List" periodically. Please help us strive to keep Boudreaux Middle School Debt Free.
Counseling and guidance are available to all students and their families. Problems concerning school, personal or family life can be helped in a counseling relationship. The school counselor is available to assist you with understanding a problem and in working toward a solution. If a crisis arises, the counselor will see you immediately. Educational and vocational guidance information can also be obtained through the guidance department. To schedule conferences, please contact the principal, assistant principal, or school counselor.